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Wild Wednesday Webinar - WOW Starts with You

  • 02/28/2024
  • 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM
  • Webinar

“WOW Starts with You!”

 Jim Thomsen, V.P. Customer Success, and Darlene Unger, Sr. Customer Success Mgr., Showdown Displays 

The Employee experience directly impacts the Customer experience, (EX=CX). In this presentation we will review Ten Best Practices that help to develop a highly engaged culture that ultimately drives Legendary Customer Experiences.   

Learning Outcomes: 

- Best Practice for Hiring the right fit.

- Performance Score Cards that Motivate.

- Creating effective recognition programs.

- Developing a self-sustaining organic culture.

 About Jim: 


UMAPP partners with MiPPA (Michigan Promotional Professionals Association) to host these webinars as a UMAPP member benefit. 


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Upper Midwest Association of Promotional Professionals (UMAPP) is a 501(c)(6) trade association incorporated in 1980
9292 Dartford Rd., St. Paul, Minnesota 55125 
651-734-9767 | admin@umapp.org | UMAPP.org

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